True Innovation Program for Team Innovation
Actual introduction
Large company introduction example 1
Introduced by more than 100,000 manufacturers throughout the group, we held a workshop using mindfulness meditation and exciting treasure hunting charts for 4 students, and 4 students announced their new businesses. , The business announced by one of the students was approved on the spot by TOP, and a budget for 3 months was attached from the end of the presentation, and the business construction is progressing as a new business.
Large company introduction example 2
One of the new divisions of a parts manufacturer with more than 90,000 people in the entire group The person in charge took the course, and as a KPI of the person in charge of new business, he was obliged to create several new businesses a year as a task, but he could not create it and felt pressure. Using meditation and exciting treasure hunting charts, after taking the course, he created a new business utilizing unprecedented hardware. Two months later, when it was announced at an in-house exhibition, it was well received and is proceeding to commercialization.

Flow until the introduction of True Innovation
Flow until introduction
True Innovation is a human resources development program to create innovative new products and innovative human resources prepared to create new businesses using the innovation method advocated by enmono in 2018. After hearing the requests of each company, we will customize the course content and provide the optimum program. We can provide the most suitable program for hearing and customizing the program.

We will interview the customer and customize the program contents according to the customer's business type and industry. After that, we will hold a zen school only in-house and hold a presentation in-house. Furthermore, after graduation, we will follow up for 12 months to support the establishment of new businesses within the company.
Program customization
Presentation (business plan announcement)
Follow-up by interview
True Innovation Program Flow

At zenschool, we will transform the participating employees into innovative human resources through the above flow. Rather than just giving simple knowledge to corporate training, we ask participants to change their consciousness and announce specific services and product prototypes at the final presentation, and then those who wish to go to crowdfunding. I was taking on the challenge of raising funds and marketing to create a flow to create new businesses.
True Innovation
Effect on "creativity"

zenschool is conducting joint research with specialized research institutes related to "happiness studies" * 1. As a result of a questionnaire survey of students, it has been found that "happiness" and "creativity" are greatly improved before and after taking zenschool. This research is expected to be published in a specialized academic journal in 2017.
* 1 "Happiness" is a relatively new academic field, "Positive Psychology", "Well Being", an initiative to think about happiness from the standpoint of social welfare, and medicine that reveals the functions of substances in the brain and the brain itself. .. A new discipline that integrates these is called "happiness."
Research papers related to this course and zenschool are published in IPSJ, "Open Service Innovation vol7.No.2" (published in April 2016), so please have a look if you are interested.
Paper "On the possibility of" micro-manufacturing ", an in-house product development method for small and medium-sized manufacturers utilizing crowdfunding"
Koji Miki, Shigeru Utsunomiya
Outline of the treatise: Conventionally, it was thought that "product development of mass-produced hardware is difficult to establish with only small-scale management resources." On the contrary, We will show examples of successful product development by a small and medium-sized enterprise with limited management resources, using a product development method called "micro-manufacturing" that efficiently develops its own products in a short time using crowdfunding. At the same time, it shows the possibility that crowdfunding can be widely used not only for financing but also for market development and marketing. Finally, we give some suggestions for the future that product development methods can also be applied to product development in large companies.
[Course outline]
Number of participants: Limited to 5 people from within the company Holding period / schedule: 3 days + 1 day of final announcement, the schedule will be decided in coordination with each company.
Venue: Our affiliated seminar room (1-chome, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Tuition fee: Basic package 12 months visit follow-up included 5 million yen ~ (excluding tax)
* It will be held in Tokyo. (Please contact us for other areas.)
* The amount may change by customizing according to each company's request.