The venue for zenschool Tokyo will be the Idea Room of Takuki Nishimura Design Co., Ltd.
In a place where you can concentrate on discussions, isolated from the everyday space and surrounded by a whiteboard, you can create plans for your own products. In addition, Mr. Nishimura, the designer who rents the venue, may come out on an irregular basis.

zenschool student x Nishimura-san collaboration case

zenschool master

Koji Miki
Kouji Miki
Representative of enmono Co., Ltd.
After graduating from Meiji Gakuin University, he joined Fujitsu Limited and was assigned to the Overseas Sales Department. After that, he studied abroad at Keio University and Fujisawa Campus (SFC) at his own expense to study management strategies using the Internet. After earning a master's degree in policy and media from the same school, he went on to a doctoral course and joined a small and medium-sized manufacturing support venture for research, but due to his busy work, he did not get a doctoral degree and retired from the doctoral course. The company has grown to become the largest manufacturing portal site in Japan, served as an IT officer, and then restructured due to business deterioration.
Although he suffers from mild depression due to the shock of restructuring, he started zazen every morning at home to take care of his own mind, and after that, he experienced the stability of his mind and the creation of various business ideas by himself. We envision a zen school for small and medium-sized enterprises that develops their own products and applies them to new businesses. 2009 Independently started enmono Co., Ltd. in order to spread the concept of "micro-manufacturing" that anyone can become a manufacturer.
Watch the video on the way to zenschool.
See the mass media coverage of our activities so far.

Shigeru Utsunomiya
Shigeru Utsunomiya
Representative of enmono Co., Ltd.
After graduating from Doshisha University, after 18 years of experience in production engineering at Suzuki Co., Ltd., after working as a production engineering section chief at the town factory, joined NC Network, a small and medium-sized manufacturing support venture, and met Miki. Therefore, he was engaged in sales support such as selection of prototype manufacturers and parts procurement as a manager in charge of production technology and procurement.
After that, in 2009, he started enmono Co., Ltd. with Miki. From the experience of facilitating an idea idea workshop called a power generation conference for two years, he has strengths in extracting ideas for in-house product development.

Schedule / tuition fee
After the second applicant is confirmed, we will adjust the schedule of the course and decide it.
Tuition fee
You can choose to pay the tuition fee by bank transfer or credit card. After the course schedule is confirmed, a cancellation fee will be charged, so please be sure to check the cancellation policy before applying.
One-time invoice payment: 510,000 yen (excluding tax)
Credit card: 500,000 yen (excluding tax)
* VISA, MasterCard, Rakuten JCB


The venue for zenschool Tokyo will be the Idea Room of Takuki Nishimura Design Co., Ltd.
In a place where you can concentrate on discussions, isolated from the everyday space and surrounded by a whiteboard, you can create plans for your own products. In addition, Mr. Nishimura, the designer who rents the venue, may come out on an irregular basis.

zenschool student x Nishimura-san collaboration case

Takuki Nishimura Design Co., Ltd. 1-21-10 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033