赤坂陽月Live in メタバース禅堂
Zen x Metaverse
~Chaos of the World, Silence of the Here and Now~
Akasaka Yogetsu Live in Metaverse Zendo
This event will be accompanied by English guidance. International participants are welcome.
開催日: 2022年4月12日(火)21:00-22:30(20:45から入場可能)
先着40名 / First 40 applicants
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 21:00-22:30 JST (Admission starts at 20:45)
●Date and time
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 21:00-22:30:JST(Admission starts at 20:45)
●Fee: free
◆主催挨拶 ・トーク ・ライブ ・ダイアローグ
Greetings from the organizer
・The live performance will be held on YoutubeLive, a virtual monitor installed in the zendo.
・You will be able to communicate with Mr. Akasaka before and after the event through his avatar in the metaverse.
・This event will be accompanied by English guidance. International participants are welcome.
赤坂陽月(あかさか ようげつ)
Improvising musician/monk
Yōgetsu Akasaka
口から出るあらゆる音を使って音楽を表現するヒューマンビートボクサーとして、ニューヨークをはじめ世界8都市での音楽活動を経て禅僧となる。 声を即興的に多重録音して創る音楽にお経をのせる独創的なライブが話題を呼び、野外音楽フェスからマインドフルネス系イベントまで幅広いイベントに出演。 2020年、YouTubeに投稿した動画、「般若心経ビートボックスRemix」が400万回以上再生される。108日間のライブ配信や、オンライン音楽瞑想会など、コロナ禍においても精力的に活動を続け、世界中の視聴者より熱烈な支持を受け、YouTubeチャンネル登録者は13万人まで登る。 「とても癒された」 「心の不安が軽くなった」 「よく眠れるようになった」 といったものから 「頭がスッキリした」 「とても気持ち良く踊れた」 「かなり深い瞑想状態になった」 といったものまで、ファンから寄せられるコメントも多岐に渡り、「聴く薬」としての'メディスン'とも表現される。 音楽×仏教×テクノロジーによって音楽体験を新しい次元へと切り開こうとする赤坂の活動は、AFP, SCMPなどの大手メディアをはじめ、VICEやTime Outなど日本でも馴染みのあるカルチャー系メディアでも取り上げられ、世界的な注目を集めている。
A human beat boxer who expresses music using every sound that comes out of his mouth, he became a Zen monk after performing in New York and eight other cities around the world. His creative live performances, in which he puts sutra chanting to music created by improvising multiple recordings of voices, have attracted a lot of attention, and he has appeared at a wide range of events from outdoor music festivals to mindfulness-related events. In 2020, his YouTube video "Hannya Shingyo Beatbox Remix" received over 4 million views. 108 days of live-streaming, online music meditation sessions, and other energetic activities in the Corona Disaster have received enthusiastic support from viewers around the world, and his YouTube channel is now subscribed. The number of users has climbed to 130,000. The comments from fans range from "I feel so healed," "I feel less anxious," and "I can sleep better," to "My head feels clearer," "I can dance very comfortably," and "I'm in a very deep meditative state. The "K" is a word that means "to be. Akasaka's activities to open up a new dimension of musical experience through music, Buddhism, and technology have been covered by major media such as AFP and SCMP, as well as by familiar Japanese cultural media such as VICE and Time Out, and have attracted worldwide attention.
All you need is a PC or smartphone to participate; a VR headset is not required. (Account creation required).
*For better enjoyment of the live sound, we recommend that you participate with a VR headset and earphones.
参加するためには、PC、スマフォ、VRヘッドセットどれからも参加することが可能です。 お気軽にご参加ください。事前にSpatialにアカウントを作成するとスムーズに参加できます。 ↓ https://spatial.io/#
To participate, you can do so from any PC, smartphone, or VR headset.
Please feel free to join us. Please create an account on Spatial in advance for smooth participation.
https://spatial.io/# アカウント作成には以下のマニュアルを御覧ください。 https://www.zenschool.jp/post/spatial-manual
To create an account, please refer to the following link
●イベント会場: メタバース禅堂セドナ
メタバースの中での坐禅や、瞑想、ヨガ、イベントのために特別に作られた、メタバースのアリゾナ・セドナにつくられた禅堂から、今回のライブは音届けします。 風光明媚なアリゾナ・セドナの風景と、オープンかつ重厚感のあるメタバース禅堂をお楽しみいただけます。
●Event Venue: Metaverse Zendo Sedona
This live performance will be delivered from a zendo built at Arizona Sedona in the Metaverse, specially designed for zazen, meditation, yoga, and events in the Metaverse. You will enjoy the scenic Arizona Sedona landscape and the open and gracious Metaverse Zendo.
●Cancellation Policy
However, if you are unable to attend the event, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can notify those who are expected to attend. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing as many people as possible with the opportunity to participate.