Management Philosophy
Exciting manufacturing will energize the world
Enmono Co., Ltd. was founded in Shinbashi, Tokyo on November 11, 2009 by Miki from Fujitsu and Utsunomiya from Suzuki, with the origin of the company name "Manufacturing with the connection of people". The management philosophy is "Exciting manufacturing will energize the world." For mass production and mass consumption, we advocate "Micro Manufacturing ®" to become a manufacturer of the town factory itself using social networks and cloud funding, and develop and innovate our own products through dialogue through VR and mindfulness. We are developing our own product development support and innovation creation support business based on the "True Innovation®" theory that we have created.
Business of enmono Co., Ltd.
Since 2020, it may be difficult to get together and run a school, so we have started offering "zenschool VR" on VR.
As a result, Metaverse (VR
) Became aware of the possibility of expanding to businesses other than games, and began to support zenschool graduates to start businesses using Metaverse (VR).
Since we have received a subsidy and prepared VR equipment, we will provide it in a style that creates together from financing to business planning and actual launch to start a new business using VR.
We provide our own product development and innovation school called zenschool, which we have cultivated since 2011, nationwide.
Our main base will be Kamakura, our location.
Also, from 2020, it is difficult to get together and run a school, so we started offering "zenschool VR" on VR.
Consulting business
It is mainly provided for zenschool graduates.
The frequency of provision is decided in consultation with the client, and is basically 4 hours a month.
Regarding the location, there are cases where we visit, visit our company in Kamakura, use online tools such as zoom, do it on VR, etc.
Company Profile
Company name
Enmono Co., Ltd. (English notation)
Headquarters location
4-5-25 Zaimokuza, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture 248-0013
Business content
・ In-house product development support (micro-manufacturing support)
・ Providing micro-manufacturing training services ・ Designing, developing, manufacturing, selling business of industrial products ・ Management consulting business ・ Providing information using the Internet and planning, operation, sales business ・ Computer system development and operation contracting ・All incidental businesses
November 11, 2009
26,987,000 yen
Number of issued shares
Fiscal year

Representative Director: Koji Miki
After graduating from Meiji Gakuin University, he joined Fujitsu Limited and was assigned to the Overseas Sales Department.
After that, he studied abroad at Keio University and Fujisawa Campus (SFC) at his own expense to study management strategies using the Internet. After earning a master's degree in policy and media from the same school, he went on to a doctoral course and joined a small and medium-sized manufacturing support venture for research, but due to his busy work, he did not get a doctoral degree and retired from the doctoral course. The company has grown to become the largest manufacturing portal site in Japan, served as an IT officer, and then restructured due to business deterioration.
Although he suffers from mild depression due to the shock of restructuring, he started zazen every morning at home to take care of his own mind, and after that, he experienced the stability of his mind and the creation of various business ideas by himself. We envision a zen school for small and medium-sized enterprises that develops their own products and applies them to new businesses. 2009 Independently started enmono Co., Ltd. in order to spread the concept of "micro-manufacturing" that anyone can become a manufacturer. In June 2018, " True Innovation " was published, which summarizes the achievements so far. For a detailed career, please see the career details .
See the mass media coverage of our activities so far.

Technical Director: Shigeru Utsunomiya
After graduating from Doshisha University, after 18 years of experience in production engineering at Suzuki Co., Ltd., after working as a production engineering section chief at the town factory, joined NC Network, a small and medium-sized manufacturing support venture, and met Miki. Therefore, he was engaged in sales support such as selection of prototype manufacturers and parts procurement as a manager in charge of production technology and procurement.
After that, in 2009, he started enmono Co., Ltd. with Miki. From the experience of facilitating an idea idea workshop called a power generation conference for two years, he has strengths in extracting ideas for in-house product development. In addition, he is good at finding what he really wants to do by using the questioning method that evolved "why-why analysis" cultivated in the manufacturing industry.

Management, Technology Toshihiro Hosokawa (e-Mold Research Institute)

Patents, internal audit, quality assurance, technology Masami Fujita (former Konica Minolta)

Lawyer Tasuku Mizuno

Tax accountant Mari Yamauchi
November 11, 2009
Established enmono Co., Ltd. with capital of 5,000,000 yen
January 10, 2010
enmono site release
October 25, 2010
Started contributing to ITmedia, Inc. " MONOist "
November 22, 2010
Micro-manufacturing seminar started
December 17, 2010
Manufacturing webcast "Micro Manufacturing Streaming (MMS)" started
March 28, 2011
Started education business at "zenschool"
May 11, 2011
Started " Power Generation Conference ", a product development and idea conference for the manufacturing industry
August 9, 2012
Crowdfunding seminar started
September 2012
Changed capital to 12,920,000 yen due to capital increase through third-party allotment
April 12, 2013
Released the first book "Let's start" micro-manufacturing ""
May 28, 2013
Launched service of "zenmono" , a platform for makers
December 5, 2013
Opened "zenshop" , an e-commerce site that handles products developed by raising funds with zenmono.
January 15, 2014
Started offering zenmono.Cloud , a cloud service that packages zenmono functions and operational know-how.
March 2014
Implemented a second third-party allotment of capital Capital: 19,337,000 yen Issued shares: 971 shares.
July 16, 2015
Opened "zenfactory" , a virtual factory service that outsources processing to zenschool graduates and related parties
August 2015
Implemented the third third-party allotment of shares Capital: 24,809,000 yen Issued shares: 1,142 shares.
December 17, 2015
" Zen school" site reopened
January 2016
Zenschool will be introduced as "The 699th" Counterattack of the Cliffs "Town Factory"! " On TV Tokyo's" Dawn of Gaia ".
March 2017
Implemented the fourth third-party allotment of shares Capital: 26,987,000 yen Issued shares: 1,208 shares.
June 1, 2018
Published a book " True Innovation " that summarizes the achievements of zenschool so far.
December 2018
Implemented the fifth third-party allocation of capital Capital: 29,197,000 yen Issued shares: 1,273 shares.
January 8, 2019
Moved the head office location to Kamakura.
May 28, 2020
Started offering " zenschoolVR ", an online innovation course using virtual reality (VR) technology.
In addition, we will start providing consulting to start a VR business.
Management member story
Establishment prospectus
Purpose of establishment
Our purpose is to develop "manufacturing producers" who plan, develop, produce, sell, and generate profits by themselves.
Our aim is to find seeds of new technology that will be the basis of the industry produced in Japan, water the seeds, grow them into seedlings, plant them in the fields, and support them until the final harvest.
By supporting entrepreneurs who make things and creating completely new products and industries, we have established contributions to the local economy and secure employment, and as a result, contribute to world peace, global environment improvement, and industrial development. The purpose is to do.
Our aim is not only to develop our own technology, but also to combine the technologies owned by manufacturing industries around the world with Internet technology to create completely new products and services.
Our purpose is to build various professional human resources registration databases that support manufacturing around the world, and to build an open space for communication in them.
Through our management activities, we gather wisdom about manufacturing around the world against the deterioration of the global environment such as global warming, air pollution, and water pollution, and develop and produce products using the technology produced there to improve it. The purpose is to do.
We believe in the good intentions of the Internet, and by utilizing the Internet to loosely connect the circles of people involved in manufacturing, we aim to supplement the resources that entrepreneurs lack.
Management policy
The most important criteria for our business execution are whether the business is "for the sake of the world" and "whether it is beautiful or not."
When hiring employees, the potential as an independent professional is a prerequisite, but the "virtue" of the person is of the utmost importance, and skill development is learned through training while conducting business. In addition, regarding the evaluation of employees, the priority is given to 1. mind (virtue) 2. skill (ability) 3. body (mental and physical strength to carry out the business), and the final evaluation is made based on the total strength.
In managing our company, not only the management but also all employees can acquire the information necessary for management, and based on that information, the management and employees can freely discuss on an equal footing. Build an open management style that can be done.
We collect not only internal but also external professionals as independent professionals with different values widely by utilizing Internet technology, and develop technology with their wisdom. When deciding on a management policy, we will respect each other's abilities and talents, and build a glass-walled management group that will openly discuss and decide.
Our management is not restricted by physical location and time, we actively utilize Internet technology to communicate freely and build a management system that transcends distance and time.
Every year, we shall use 50% of our operating profit after tax for purposes other than securing profits for the themes of global environmental protection, community contribution, founder support, and problem-solving common to all humankind.